These partners are directly involved in facilitating the calls of sea and river cruise ships in the ACP region or an attraction/ activity for cruise passengers then you should become a participant.
This type of
partnership has been split in two levels. Level I the highest level and level
the following benefits are offered to our Level II partners:
- 2 social networking events
- During our social networking events we invite all our members to get together and discuss the upcoming cruise season or close of the season.
- Commissioning research
- Every year we request cruise details from our member-harbours and analyse the data to present to our partners, the municipalities and governments.
- Two lectures on “current” cruise events
- The 2 lectures we organise give our partners the opportunity to get better informed about cruise topics and exchange thoughts during the social gettogether after.
- Promotional mission with dinner
- Every other year we invite tour operators and shipping companies to visit the ACP region. During this two-day event we give our member municipalities the opportunity to highlight their harbours, cities and tourist attractions.
- ACP Brochure
The ACP brochure is created to give tour operators and shipping companies an almanac of the ACP region. With this brochure it is easy to create new trips to the ACP area. All ACP partners can advertise in this brochure at a reduced rate. - Website
- All partners are mentioned on our website and have the opportunity to ad detailed information and links to their own websites.
- Newsletters
- ACP gives out two types of newsletters, the cruise newsletter and the partner newsletter. In the newsletters we give our members the opportunity to inform readers on upcoming events and look back on events. We also use the newsletter to inform the readers on developments in the cruise industry.
receive the benefits that supporting members receive as well as being able to attend dinners organized during promotional missions in the region; at reduced rates. Further the possibility to participate at cost-sharing rates in the Amsterdam Cruise Port stand at the cruise fair;